Saturday, October 29, 2005

My smart cousins!

my handsome cousin, bryan with his 2 prizes he received from school

thats his prizes! so smart and capable just like his cousin, yours truly!! huahahaha

even Ashley won something and wanted to show off!

thats what she won. full attendance in school! obviously full attendance consider the mum is a teacher! hehe

Parent's Curry Laksa @ Sek 17

the very delicious curry laksa

karsum showing his support by eating at my parents newly open yummy curry laksa stall

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Mamak @ Williams

hock at the mamak

vince and andrew... green is the in colour?

eeewww... i know its gross! it belongs to jason kon!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Fiona's birthday dinner @ Nerovivo

pear in the pizza... pretty unique but i dont really fancy it. but the cheese tasted pretty good! hehe

wooi keat

fiona and her lasagna

drinks at san fran after dinner

Scone Party at Grace's house

grace teaching fiona how to make scone... gotta use your HAND! no hand not nice!

fiona's pretty obedient.. here we see her using her HAND to roll over the batter!

the pale looking uncooked scones getting ready to go thru the refiner's fire!

here it is!! reeeefinerrr's fire! burn... burn... burn in me!

ta-da!!! verrry deliciuos looking scone all ready! yummy!!

lena, grace, me and fiona and our little afternoon scone party!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Ms Leong

the whole tiramisu cake from alexis!! it was heavenly!!

the birthday girl with her cake

err... i think the look is to say how come one candle only?!?! :p

blessing the birthday girl

cheers everyone!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another Oct baby

went to cellicakes. and since it was karsum's birthday the next day, got him a piece of cake for his birthday!

kar sum looking at the cake! what a look!

the chocolaty walnut cake! yummy!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Kristen's birthday party!!

yes! its party time for kristen! kristen turns ONE on Oct 5th. it was indeed a very happy barney birthday party!! :)

barney from me and karsum for kristen!

kristen checking whether its original or from pasar malam!! hey, its real lar! from toy r' us!

kristen: hey see! i can carry barney up! so what if he's taller than me! hehe

barney birthday cake!! cute.. truly barney bashing birthday!

hey, barney is part of the family too!

one happy kristen barney family!

one shot for the extended family!

and of course the bigger cell family photo too! (see i do contribute to the cell group by taking good photos for them each time! :p )

hey auntie deejay, dont you take barney away!!!

photo with uncle gary, auntie sia yan, samantha and baby in the stomach!

smack! thats what happened to the cake.. rationale: kristen too young to blow the candle, so as a replacement of blowing the candle she gets to TOUCH the cake! cool eh.. haha

kristen and her good faithful friend martha

me and kristen!!! yeahhh! for the record, she didnt cry!

barney slaughtering time! the cake that is...

present opening ceremony! wow.. clothes from zara???

mummy open larr

yay! another barney to add to the collection! barney pick up truck from aunty fiona

ooohh... the dancing elmo stucked in a chicken suit!

err.. i think kristen is teaching all the aunties abt shapes!

kristen giving full attention on the barney pick up truck!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Self potrait

went out to do some shopping for the new shop and shop for shoe! mum was taking kinda long at the groceries shop and i got bored! :p

Bad things happens to good people?

Bad things happens to good people. dont we often heat that phrase? then again i cant claim i'm in the category of "good people"! but still bad things happened to me and my family!

in a duration of few days... lemme see... family business got kicked out from food court... i had food poisoning and had to take 2 days mc... EIGHT pairs of my shoe were stolen and aunt got into an accident! oh well.. Jinx? Bad luck? Spiritual attack? Or simply life sucks!

check out all the EMPTY "holes" in the cupboard where previously were housing my shoes!!!

the very good taste thief only stole MY shoes apparently! i lost 3 hush puppies, 4 nikes and 1 slipper! 1 hush pup shoe and 1 nike was brand new, got it for my birthday.. only wore once! i was on mc that day.. if not i had to wear slipper to work!

yes, its outside the house. our fault? yeah.. trouble brought upon ourselves rite! honestly, its really frustrating when the first thing i hear from people when i shared abt my lost... the first sentence you hear is.. "oh.. shouldnt leave it outside... bla bla bla!!" DUH! whatever!

aunt's car dented, thanks to an idiot motocycle who crashed right onto her car

side mirror gone