Saturday, January 28, 2006

Family Reunion Dinner!

time of the year for family reunion dinner! all my uncles, aunties and cousines needed to do is to "walk over" to my house! yup, both my uncle and auntie are also my beloved neighbours! 3 in a row! how cool is that eh! cheers to the koo, teh, chua and ooi family!

family reunion dinner at my house

cheers everyone! putting my tripod into good use

one more... ahh.. ashley's closed her eyes again!

one more time, everyone eys open big big! yayy...

aylene & audrey.. sisters of course! looking so alike

yee cheung and bryan! also another winner to the look-alike contest!

mum's super yummy and "thick" shark fin's soup! cooked with high quality original shark's fin and crab meat! hmm.. yummy! too bad once a year only! sigh sigh...

home made CNY cake courtersy of auntie donnie for my whole family!

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