Thursday, January 26, 2006

Lou Sang @ Fishing Pond

had lou sang with francis and siew ling's cg at the fishing pond restaurant near my house. food's not bad.. but the cleaniness... hmm... well.. just say we had to ask them to exchange a couple of glasses as we could still see some.. ahem.. stain on it!! eeww... oh yeah! no germs, no gain! haha

charles and jarred carefully spicing up our salmon for the "yee-sang"

closer look to the fresh salmon on our yee-sang

lou ah.. lou ah... guess which one is my hand?? one hand holding the camera snapping from the top, one hand "lou-ing sang"!

wah... everyone lou until so happy eh!

not bad photo eh.. considering simply snapping from the top!! haha

after lou sang, went back to francis & siewling's house to play boggles and celebrate birthday for sook yee & janice

francis siewling blessing ze birthday ladies!

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